Monday Monsters: Gnoll Pack

After something like a 6-month hiatus, Monday Monster posts are back. I won’t bore people with what caused the break as that’s not what this blog is about. You might know what’s up if you follow me on social media (especially Twitter and Google Plus), but I’m going to try and start posting again. I missed creating these Fate Accelerated fantasy monsters and heroes.

Things are going to be slightly different going forward though. I really enjoyed creating the letter and A4-sized PDFs of the monsters and heroes, and I prefer having physical notes at the table when running games. They were the longest part of the process however, and the time commitment to produce them was part of what caused me to go on hiatus; I unfortunately just don’t have that much free time anymore. So, as much as I liked them and as useful as I think they were, I’m going to stop making the PDFs for the time being. From here on out, the monster and hero entries are going to be online only. Maybe I’ll collect them into a multi-page PDF bundle, zine, or booklet in the future, as I really do like making printed material. But that’s for the future. Onto the monsters!

This week’s entry are gnolls. I’ve not done that many low-level monsters you can fill a scene with, and wanted to do more of those. So I statted up these gnolls warriors and hyenas as Fillers from the the Fate Adversary Toolkit. They only have a few aspects, a few skills, and a fairly small number of stress boxes. Normally Fillers don’t have stunts as they’re meant to be bone simple for the GM to run. But as I’m using the standard six Fate Accelerated approaches for all of these monsters, as opposed to flavorfully named skills like Teeth & Claws, I gave each of them a single stunt to help make them distinct.


Gnoll Archer

High Concept: Medium Canine Humanoid
Motivation: I Must Loot the Dead


  • Quick: Fair (+2)
  • Others: Mediocre (+0)


  • Mobile Archery:
    Because I am armed with a bow, I can attack opponents in adjacent zones. Whenever I succeed with style on a Quick attack, I may forego the boost to move into an adjacent zone.

Weight: 1 (Medium)
Role: Enemy: Fair Filler
Stress: ▢ ▢

Gnoll WarriorGnoll_Warrior

High Concept: Medium Canine Humanoid
Motivation: I Must Take a Trophy From Each Kill


  • Quick: Fair (+2)
  • Others: Mediocre (+0)


  • Set For Charge:
    Because I am armed with a spear, I increase the active opposition of anyone attempting to move into my zone by +2.

Weight: 1 (Medium)
Role: Enemy: Fair Filler
Stress: ▢ ▢


High Concept: Medium Canine Animal
Motivation: I Must Protect the Pack at Any Cost


  • Quick: Fair (+1)
  • Others: Mediocre (+0)


  • Vicious Jaws: Because I can crack bone with my bite, I get +2 to Forcefully attack prone or restrained opponents, represented by aspects such as Prone or Tied Up.

Weight: 1 (Medium)
Role: Enemy: Average Filler

The monster illustrations are the free paper mini made by Printable Heroes. The free versions are backless, but if you support the Patreon at just $1 a month you get minis with backs. For $2 a month you get access to “reskins”, and for $3 a month you get multiple color options. That’s a fantastic deal.

Monday Monsters: Gnoll Pack